

About HOME:
The Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (HOME) was registered as a society under the Societies Act on 6th September 2004 to respond to the special needs of migrant communities. The following year, the society was accepted as a member of NCSS and registered as a charity under the Charities Act of Singapore. Since 2005, HOME has been granted Institute of Public Character (IPC) status. In 2010, HOME was awarded the Asia Public Service Award 2010 by the Asia 21 Society. The award included US$10,000 prize money from Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

There are some 800,000 migrant workers or more in Singapore and HOME has provided direct assistance to more than 50,000 men and women migrants and victims of human trafficking and forced labour, who availed of our programme and services. Among those helped included migrants affected by the Tsunami disaster in 2005 and the present global economic crisis in 2008/2009. On one occasion, we provided shelter for 15 Indonesian women and their children, who were abandoned at sea by seamen. Our stories of assistance are as varied as the sufferings and the wounds inflicted upon our beneficiaries. 

HOME is committed to the principle that migration of people benefits the global society with a focus on the effects of migration within the context of Singapore.

The mission objectives of HOME are:
  • To develop research and education on the socioeconomic of migration on Singapore and the countries of origin;

  • To provide social integration services for emigrants and immigrants;

  • To provide humanitarian assistance for the effects of 'crisis' migration. 

We believe that the rights to Dignity of Work, Dignity of Person and the Dignity of Life are fundamental human rights. Migrant populations in many countries are often discriminated when it comes to the protection of these rights. HOME seeks to uphold human dignity for all peoples wherever they come from.

Group Photo:

ISS HOME Sign-up Sheet:

Responsibilities as a Volunteer:
  1. No skipping classes
  2. Be on time
  3. ...
More Information:
  • ISS Supervisor for HOME: Ms.England (jengland@iss.edu.sg)
  • Time: Every Sunday 10:00~14:00
  • Location: ISS Middle School Campus
  • Take in Number: Every Sunday 10:00~14:00
  • Admission requirement and limitation: 

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