Challenge 20/20

“It is easy to say something and think it will work, but in reality it is a difficult task
 to makea plan and put it into action. Through Challenge 20/20, I have learned a lot
about the world and the complexities associated with being an underprivileged person.
Gaby J., Student, Kingsmead College, Johannesburg, South Africa

"Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care."
Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president of United States of America


Challenge 20/20 is an Internet-based program that pairs classes at any grade level (Kindergarten- Grade 12) from schools in Singapore with their counterpart classes in schools in the United States. Together the teams (of two or three schools) find local solutions to one of 20 global problems.

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For More Information: 

Contact: Mr. Whitehead (

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