Chen Su Lan Children's Home

Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home is an approved Voluntary Welfare Organization registered under the Charities Act and a full member of the National Council of Social Services (NCSS). The Mission of the Home is to provide loving, Christian nurture for needy and disadvantaged children of all races and religions, so as to prepare them to be happy and responsible members of the family and community. Volunteers play an important role in the lives of the children at the Home. They give their time and demonstrate commitment in the tasks they were assigned to do. Volunteers also serve as role models for children. ISS Students are currently volunteering by coaching boy’s soccer.

  1. To develop the Spiritual, Educational, Social, Physical and Emotional well-being of the children.
  2. To provide an Inclusive Home environment to enhance the integration of children with special needs and mainstream children.
  3. To assist parents in problem-solving and coping with their difficulties.
  4. To strengthen Family relationships and enhance the Quality of family life.

“I believe in the spirit of sharing and I believe we are what we are because of
those around us.” - Maasai Tribal Sayings

Sign-up Sheet:
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Responsibilities as a Volunteer:
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More Information:
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