Future Hope Fashion\Art Show



In December 2010, Raiheth Ralwa organized a Charity Fashion Show for a charity calledFuture Hope. Future Hope is a charitable organization that rehabilitates street children in Calcutta, India. Raiheth used to volunteer to teach the children at the Future Hope school whenshe lived in India and wanted to continue helping Future Hope in their endeavors to help give street children a better life. So she decided to help raise funds for Future Hope by hosting a Charity Fashion Show. She loved creating clothes. Contributing to help Future Hope while creating something she loved doing seemed the most appropriate for her. The goal of her project was to raise funds that would help Future Hope in their endeavors. Although Raiheth is a leaving senior of ISS, the Future Hope organization will continue to remain a part of ISS as diverse activities will be initiated by a new student (member of the CAS Leadership Council) to raise even more money for their children. 

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